Updates from Sierra Leone!
Ken Diebner, Executive Director of the Veritas Foundation, is living in Sierra Leone! He had a wonderful birthday with old and new friends, is engaging in Veritas Community Church’s outreach ministry, and will begin developing an exciting new project (which we will reveal in the near future!).
Here are some pictures Ken sent from the last few weeks:
Ken and Kemoh, celebrating Ken’s birthday!
Ken with siblings Kemoh, Aminata, and little Kadija (the girl we are caring for with sickle cell anemia) celebrating Ken’s birthday!
Ken with Haja, a sweet girl from the Paul School for the Blind.
Prayer Requests/Praises:
Ken has been struggling with various health issues, such as Typhoid and heat rash. Please pray that he recovers fully and is healthy from this point forward.
Please pray the Lord provides a solution for Veritas Community Church. VCC is overflowing with attendees, and the children’s program has reached the maximum amount of children we can safely handle.
Please praise the Lord for His love. It is evident in VCC’s congregation!