December 19, 2020
Ryley Myers, a dear brother in Christ, recently passed away into the Lord’s Kingdom. He is the beloved brother of Serena and TJ, friends of the Veritas Foundation.
In the name of Ryley, an anonymous donor gave the Veritas Foundation $1,000. Because of Ryley, 75 children and staff at the Paul School for the Blind in Sierra Leone were blessed with a huge Christmas dinner! The new kitchen was also dedicated to the memory of Ryley. The remaining donated amount will go towards soccer balls and Braille writing slates for the children.
Ryley’s legacy is bringing life and light to many children. He is a great blessing, and he has brought hope and joy into the children’s lives. Ryley will be missed in this life, but he lives on in the smiles of the beautiful children at the Blind School. The children are so thankful for Ryley and said they will see him in heaven!