March 2021 Trip

Sierra Leone project manager Ken Diebner and new board member Ed Marlow are in Sierra Leone! They are so excited to bless the children at the Paul School for the Blind. The children are also a blessing to Ken and Ed as they share lots of joy and laughter!

The Blind School welcomed Ken and Ed to town with a traditional dance presentation!

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The children at the blind school celebrate the purchase of their new school bus! Some of the older children are orphans who reside at the blind school, and they have to walk to other schools to receive an education. This is very difficult being blind! Now that they have a new bus, the children will be safe during travel to and from their schools!


A young girl named Musu praises the Lord with her whole heart at Gateway Ministries Church. The children’s joy even inspired Ed to dance with them!

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Happy Easter! What an exciting time of year for Ken and Ed to visit Sierra Leone. They were blessed with the opportunity to worship the Lord with new believers! Pastor Peter and Pastor Kemoh baptized 36 children from the Blind School and surrounding community in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord!

All of the students at the Blind School received handmade, tailored Easter attire. Many of the children were so excited they asked to wear their outfits not just on Easter but also on other days of the week!

The Blind School had a wonderful Easter celebration filled with dancing, a meal (with ice cream!), singing, and reciting Bible verses. The Lord blessed Haja (pictured below in the second from the right photograph) with a beautiful singing voice. 4-year-old Yetta (pictured in the last photograph from the right) quotes her Bible memory verse with Aminata and Theresa’s support.

Ken and Ed noticed the Blind School’s water pump had broken. They were very concerned for the blind children who stood on the edge of the 100-foot well and pulled water up with a bucket. Within a few days of noticing this concern, the Lord brought about a meeting with a man who could install a new pipe. He and his team worked hard to install the pipe quickly. Now, the children are able to safely access fresh water!

Ken and Ed kept a good attitude despite the 100-degree heat and 100% humidity!