Ken Moved to Sierra Leone!
Ken Diebner, Executive Director of the Veritas Foundation, moved to Bo, Sierra Leone this week! Ken loves the wonderful people we support in Africa, and he believes that his presence there will ensure financial accountability.
The Board of Directors of the Veritas Foundation pays for all of the Foundation’s administrative expenses, so that 100% of your donations directly support our various projects. To ensure that your finances are used wisely, we provide in-country training, mentorship, and oversight of all our projects. Living in-country for extended periods of time, such as Ken is doing, builds trust in the community and fosters a collaborative environment that ensures financial accountability.

If you would like to support Ken’s boots-on-the-ground efforts in Sierra Leone, please select the “Mission Outreach” fund on our website!
Thank you for your prayers and support!

Prayer Requests/Praises:
- Please pray Ken is safe and healthy while he lives in Sierra Leone.
- Please pray Ken gets settled quickly and can begin ministering to the community.
- Please thank the Lord for putting this initiative in Ken’s heart!